Joel and I both felt really good about me going back to school this fall (finally). My mind has been thinking about it for a long time, especially since I know how important it is in our day. After we got married I was totally against going back. Not sure what I wanted to do. Not wanting to waste money. Not wanting to do the work... that last one might have been a bigger factor than it should have been. This last year I have had school on the brain and it slowly worked its way into "maybe now is good." When we decided to wait a little to have any more babies, it seemed like the time was NOW to get on the school boat. I'm not a happy pregnant person. I don't enjoy pregancy like some women do. So school + pregnancy is out of the picture. To summarize the going to school process, I got accepted to CWI, got government grants, and knew what I wanted to major in. (that's a story in itself. Thanks grandma gail, you gave me guidance, even after death)
I started school August 20th and here we are almost 4 weeks later. I love being back in school. Love learning. Don't mind homework. I don't love that you're either super busy or slow going. I'm hitting my first over-whelming busy period. It's a little stressful. Joel has been an amazing husband and father! Big shout out to my honey, you're wonderful and I'm grateful for you! He takes care of the kiddos and is SO supportive. He has done so much to help alleviate my stress and help me be successful. He's even preparing for another Actuary exam in November. His 3rd test of 5.
So to sum it up, we are busy around here. But that doesn't keep us from having fun and being goof-balls.
Bentley is going through "a stage"... you know... a behavior that keeps popping up over and over and you aren't liking this new learned behavior... that kind of stage. He's has so many thoughts. I can see it in the way he acts when we're talking and the way he speaks. He has so many things to say that he says a lot of words before he can wrap his head around one idea. He's so full of ideas. And so many questions. A favorite being "why?". I thought I had a little longer before that one showed up. I guess not. haha. He's a terd and yet so good at playing with his sister and loving her and being tender toward her... And rough housing with her and showing her how to do things and talking random non-sense to her. It's pretty cute.
Jetta is getting so big. She is learning lots of things. Words, tantrums, attitude, games, songs. She has hawk eyes on her brother. "Oh, I see, throw a fit. I can do that." :) I see her learning. She is incredibly smart. A new one was swinging on a big kid swing all by herself. I was amazed! She loves to say "wow" and " hi dada" and refuses to say hi mama. :( Daddy likes it! She is walking and loving it I am a happy momma. I love being a stay at home mom.
Beautifully busy life